Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The truth comes out..

Author Statement
Choosing to do a blog is one of the easiest ways to express short thoughts. Short thoughts allow a person to get out how they feel in a short amount of words, allowing them to get straight to the point of their most important thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 
The blog I created called, “My Life” by Maria was created to express how many children feel and all of the troubles they encounter and emotions they go through, but some just can’t seem to express. Doing this blog really allowed others to not only see what younger children have to go through, but also feel how the situations impact them and see the reactions and the behind the scenes feelings. 
It is now clear that I have pretended to be a young, middle school aged, girl from Mexico. Although some may think I had no idea what I was talking about since I am born and raised in New York, I actually know a lot more than they think. 
Not every person is the exact same, and I understand that completely. However, not everyone is one hundred percent different. Many people have similar qualities and can relate to many other people, whether it be a different gender, race, or ethnicity. And most certainly young teenage girls do not go through the same drama filled lives however they do still go through them and I was once a young girl, with lots of family, school, and friendship problems that I had to experience that made me the type of person I am today.
When you are young, everything seems like a big deal and like its the end of the world if something does not work out however no one ever tells them that it isn’t or reassures them that it is going to be okay. Thats all kids really need sometimes is a little shove and a positive message to temporarily cheer them up until they realize for themselves that it’s going to be okay. 
Immigrants always had a tough time adjusting and accomplishing their priorities and dreams right off the bat. So when you are an immigrant, and also a young teenage girl, life just seems that much harder. It is a struggle to fit in and make friends when you are new at a school and unfamiliar with the country and the area. It is even harder when people are looking at you differently and judging you and asking you lots of questions about where you came from or doing the exact opposite as if you did not exist and they are ignoring you. 
Putting myself into “Maria’s” shoes and making myself not only think and express myself as if I was a thirteen year old girl, but making myself be from a different country really was difficult but at the same time not as hard as expected. You come across the typical stereotype situations, but the main point is have the viewers feel and see the situations, the reactions, and the lasting imprints of the scenarios. That was my main objective to do in my blog; to make others feel and relate and then realize maybe they should change their ways and be the kid that treats others like an equal, or the adult who does not care who she is working with or who her children choose to be friends with. It was about maturing as a person, writer, and slowly as a read mature and have a lasting impact on them that for in the future they realize how everyone may be different, but what actually needs to be different is nothing. The way you treat others should all be with the same respect and kindness that you would like to be treated with. No one likes to feel different or a less than equal so no one should treat others as if they are.  
Although I may have made some people angry by outing myself and pretending to be something I wasn’t. It was all for a good cause. If someone came across this and realized it was an eighteen year old girl doing a project for her class they would think I was being an inconsiderate girl with no experience with the whole scenario. However, when readers thought a young Mexican girl was expressing her emotions, they probably had a different perspective and actually were impacted for the better. I apologize if I have offended anybody with this, I just did it so other people can have a broader perspective and gain more knowledge.

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